composer & sound artist
This is the website of composer and sound artist Hywel Davies. It is relatively new, and so probably won't work that well on a phone, yet. Any questions/queries please contact me at mail@hyweldavies.co.uk.
On this Home page there is an artist statement, bits of news, the other pages contain information about my work, and some things to listen to. There are more things to listen to on my Soundcloud page.
ARTIST STATEMENT There are two strands to my creative work: composing in the western European classical (notated) tradition and the making of sound installations, the majority of which are site-responsive. Installations have been made for galleries, various architectural spaces, public buildings and outdoors within the natural environment.
In some of my composed works there are elements of controlled chance (aleatoricism) where certain key performance decisions are left to the performer(s).
This element of chance can also be found in many of my installations, where recorded sounds of different durations might play simultaneously (for example, from a number of CD players) and unsynchronised, creating an ever-changing sound environment that may not repeat exactly for weeks, months or years. This, combined with distribution of sound sources at different physical positions within a space, potentially offers a unique experience of the piece for each individual audience member.
My sound installations often involve working directly with communities to acquire a mixture of locally-gathered ‘found’/environmental sound, interviews and composed music written for and performed by local performance groups both amateur and professional.'
October 2024
I have been commissioned by Children’s voices of Enfield to write a set of songs for unison voices and piano for performance in Early 2025. This commission is funded by Arts Council England and the RVW Foundation
This year’s new Christmas Choral Item is a setting of O Magnum Mysterium which will be premiered by Mark Forkgen and London Concert Choir on 18 December at Holy Trinity Sloane Square, London
Other Christmas performances include Two French Carols which will be performed by both East Harptree church choir and the Swan Singers in Somerset during December
There are also going to be two performances of Blake’s Cradle Song by Quindici, This mid-wales-based chamber choir will be performing it at Gregynog Hall and Tregynon parish Church in Early December
February 2024
I am very happy to share that Wells Cathedral are commissioning me to write a a new set of responses for their junior choir and cathedral choir to perform together
16, 17 MARCH 16,17 MARCH 2023
​The covid-delayed premiere of THE VOYAGE OF THE ARGO (Part one) is finally happening, this dramatic oratorio was commissioned by Tonbridge School and is scored for all 800 students (unchanged male voices, treble choir three soloists and orchestra directed by Mark Forkgen
Carol time again!
These are the new ones, plus two performances of Blake's Cradle Song at Wells Cathedral.
10/14 December - Out of the blossom sprang a thorn - Exultate! - St James Priory Bristol, premiere and second/third performances
17 December - Farewell! Advent - Swan Singers - Farmborough Church - premiere
17/21/22/23 December - Carol of the bells (arrangement) - Liverpool Philharmonic Youth Chorus, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Chorus, Royal Liverpool Philharminc Orchestra 'Spirit of Christmas' premiere and subsequent performances
20 December - This is the day (Hodie) - London Concert Choir - premiere
22/23 December - Blake's Cradle Song - Wells Cathedral Choir
January 2022
I am very happy to share the news that the excellent QUAD Gallery in Derby are to be my R&D partner for my DYCP project - now called HOMESPUN.
December 2021
It's carol time. This year I am lucky enough to have three world premieres and one UK premiere. Thanks to the choirs and choral directors for having a punt on new work.
O Oriens - the choir of St John the Baptist's Church, Glastonbury, directed by Matthew Redman (World Premiere)
Sweet was the song - Swan Singers, directed by Patricia Rees-Jones, All Saint's Church, Farmborough (UK Premiere)
Blake's Cradle Song - Canticum, directed by Mark Forkgen, St Saviour's, Pimlico (World Premiere)
Somerset Wassail - the choir of St John the Baptist's Church, Glastonbury, directed by Matthew Redman (World Premiere)
November 2021
PILGRIM, the outdoor installation at Mottisfont Abbey (National Trust), is up and running again after a break for summer activities. This is the last planned period on installation which will last until April 2022. So still plenty of opportunity to experience the work.
August 2021
My application to Arts Council England for a Develop Your Creative Practice (DYCP) grant has been successful. As the name of the fund suggests, the fund seeks to extent existing practice. For me this is research and development into enabling the realising of multi-source sound installations in the domestic context using existing web-ready devices. I am currently looking for a R&D partner for the pilot.
July 2020
PILGRIM - it is now possible to visit the outdoor element of this new sound installation made for the Beech Circle at Mottisfont Abbey (National Trust). The work opened at the end of January 2020, but access was suspended from the end of March to mid-July as a result of COVID-19 lockdown. To visit you will need to book in advance here [add link].
JUNE 2022
WORLD PREMIERE Of my orchesrral arrangement of PIAZZOLLA'S MUSIC for A Midsummer Night's Dream is being premiered by the RLPO conducted by Clark Rundell
VOYAGE OF THE ARGO (Part One) - the first performances of this new, hour-long dramatic oratorio have been postponed because of Coronavirus. The work, scored for 3 soloists,massed men's voices (all the pupils in the school was commissioned by Tonbridge School.